I not only got to experience another day in paradise but actually 8 days. Kauai is definitely the garden island. Bob and I had a wonderful, relaxing time. We stayed in a condo on the beach in a small town named Kapaa. Our lanai (balcony) looked right out onto the beach. We had that gorgeous view every morning and evening. I will always remember our vacation in paradise. Here are some pictures as we went all over the island and not only experienced the beaches but also the mountains.

This is the path we walked every morning for an hour. It goes on for a long ways but follows the coast line. I miss those morning walks - just a little different then the desert!!!

Bob and I checking out Opaekoa Falls and then heading to the beach. Why the ball cap well!! we rented a red mustang convertible and had an awesome time enjoying the sun and breeze. Oh the memories~~~~

Kayaking up Wailua River. We then landed our kayak and hiked to Sleeping Falls.

Water hole on Wailua River I took pictures and Bob took the plunge!!!

Bob and I hiked up to Secret Falls - the water was too cold for me so Bob experienced the falls and I enjoyed the moment.

Kauai has beach after beach. I thought I had died and gone to heaven! The sand is a gold color, the water is warm and a unforgettable color of blue.

Kilauea Lighthouse - its also a wildlife refuge and we saw lots of red-footed bobbies (a white bird with red feet) that soar in the air above the water amongst the cliffs

Waimea Canyon (The Grand Canyon of the Pacific) we fell in love with the colors
Na Pali Coast was gorgeous. We took pictures from above as you can only get to the actual coast by either hiking in, boat or helicopter.
What a wonderful trip. I am glad that I have found your blog. I will be checking it often. Hope all is well. Linda
Love all the pics...they are beautiful.
yes he makes me all sorts of crazy insane happy! =) I'm so very glad you guys liked him too! He thought Bob was the greatest haha. I miss you guys already! yes yes come in July and this time you guys can see where I live! hey my email is brittanynicole_86@hotmail.com if you could send me that adorable picture you took of me and charlie!
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