Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Chuck E Cheese Exstravaganza

At the beginning of the month we got to go and visit Chuck E. The Hoover Team (Aunt TT and Uncle Zac) took some nieces and nephews so we tagged along to help with kiddie patrol. We love to have those grandparent moments. Addie had never been before so you can see from her smile that she was loving it. The only thing she didn't like was Chuck E. She didn't want any part of him.

Isa had one favorite ride. She must of gone on this ride 7 times and loved every minute of it. She would always give her little smile. Gaven checked out all the games several times. He was having such a good time it was hard to get him to stop and let me take a picture. Aunt TT and Gabriel did many a video game. The night ended with the long decisions of what to take home because it takes so many tickets to get just one little prize. The last picture is of Addie giving this Chuck E a hug. What a cute picture!!

1 comment:

zack&kami said...

Super Cute! We will be checking it often.
Love you,