One of our adventures while visiting Anna & Greg in Colorado Springs was the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. We took this picture so you could see that the zoo is on a mountain and the view is beautiful.

In the bird exhibit they would fly and land on your shoulder and Anna got to experience that!

Grandpa and Grandma photo shoot.

Here I am holding a albino wallaby....they are only 4 in a million.

Gavin feeding his bird. They sell you popsicle sticks with bird seed glued on the end....smart idea.

Isa feeding the giraffes....they feed them crackers rather than the kind of food that they have to lick off of your hands...I like this concept better!

The boys enjoying the wildlife....cute bunch aren't they!!

By the way!! the birds loved Bob. They thought his hat was tasty besides his collar and neck. We had a lot of fun and would encourage anyone if you ever go to Colorado Springs be sure and check out the Zoo!