My daughter-in-law Emily tagged me so here goes (I don't live a very exciting life!!)
Favorite Shows:
1. Extreme Makeover
2. Dancing With the Stars
3. Home Cooking (w/Paula Deen)
Favorite Restaurants:
1. Cafe Rio
2. Texas Road House
3. Paradise Bakery
Least Favorite Restaurants:
1. Chileros
2. Olive Garden
3. Applebee's
Things That Happened Yesterday:
1. Walked 3 miles in the wind and dirt
2. Checked out garage sales
3. Visited a neighbor in need
Thing's I'm Looking Forward to:
1. Another vacation to the beach
2. Rachel & kids visiting in January (Yeah!!)
3. Spending time with grandkids
Things I'm NOT Looking Foward to:
1. Another birthday
2. Mopping all the tile flooring
3. Cleaning the garage
Things I Love About Fall:
1. Cooler mornings & evenings
Wish List:
1. To always have the drive to improve upon myself
2. To be as helpful as possible to those in need
3. To always find the time to delight in the simple things
Things I Do NOT Wish For:
1. More aches and pains
2. Difficult economical times
3. To be left here on earth without my eternal companion